
Hein Thant Oo | Full Stack Developer



Visualize your GitHub Journey

GhDash screenshot 1

About this project

GhDash is a web-based tool aimed at simplifying the tracking and analysis of GitHub contributions for developers. This tool offers a straightforward solution: users input their GitHub username, and it creates a stylish and comprehensive dashboard.
The dashboard provides a visual representation of information about their recent projects, popular repositories, profile stats, and their most used languages.

Development Process

I used GitHub REST API to fetch users' GitHub-related data and the React Styled Components library for making responsive and dynamic UI components. Building this project taught me how to efficiently interact with external APIs and handle asynchronous data retrieval. I gained hands-on experience in using Redux thunks and Redux Toolkit for state management. Additionally, I learned how to design engaging, informative and visually appealing dashboards.


This project was built using:

  • react
  • redux toolkit
  • react router
  • styled components
  • GitHub API

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