
Hein Thant Oo | Full Stack Developer



Open-source chat platform with discord-like features

Convoz screenshot 1

About this project

Convoz is a real-time chat website with features and UI inspired by popular platforms like Discord and Slack. You can easily build online communities on this platform with a simple and beginner-friendly interface. Just sign up effortlessly using your Google account, and you're ready to explore and join channels, connecting with people who share your interests.

Development Process

I built this app using a beginner-friendly tech stack so that other developers who want to practice open-source can contribute easily. I wanted to create a real-world project where developers like me can improve their skills through practical experience no matter their skill level. So, if you're just starting out and want to dip your toes into the open-source world, Convoz is the friendly spot where you can jump in, contribute, and learn the ropes.


This project was built using:

  • react
  • redux toolkit
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Firebase

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