
Hein Thant Oo | Full Stack Developer



Simplify Budgeting on the Go

CoinTrackr screenshot 1

About this project

CoinTrackr is a mobile web app that simplifies expense tracking for users. With this app, you can create custom spending categories and easily log transactions. Every user's data is protected by a robust authentication system. Its mobile-first design ensures easy access on any device, making budgeting a convenient experience.

Development Process

I prioritized a user-friendly mobile UI, ensuring intuitive navigation and feedback notifications for a great UX. On the backend, I built RESTful APIs for CRUD operations of expense management. To protect user data, a secure login system was implemented using the Devise Gem. I also wrote comprehensive tests for all routes, controllers, and models to guarantee reliability.


This project was built using:

  • ruby on rails
  • postgreSQL
  • devise
  • ERB
  • Rspec
  • Capybara

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