
Hein Thant Oo | Full Stack Developer



Elevate Your Online Learning Experience

ClassUp screenshot 1

About this project

Classup is an innovative e-learning platform designed to bridge the gap between virtual learning and real-world interactions. It empowers users to reserve online classes while facilitating study session scheduling with fellow learners in their local area. Our goal was to create a dynamic and collaborative learning environment accessible to students from diverse backgrounds.

Development Process

I teamed up with two developers to make this platform. I helped design the database schema, created a responsive carousel component, and developed a RESTful API for reservation, and a user authentication system.
Working in this dynamic team environment taught me a lot about how to work together on large projects. I learned how to collaborate effectively with others and the importance of planning and organizing the project with Kanban.


This project was built using:

  • react
  • redux toolkit
  • bootstrap
  • ruby on rails
  • postgreSQL
  • webpack

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