
Hein Thant Oo | Full Stack Developer



AI-Powered Expense Tracker App

Billio screenshot 1

About this project

Modern Landing page for Billio, the AI-powered Expense tracker app, designed with a mobile-first approach, ensuring accessibility on all devices. The website has scrolling animations and interactive elements to enhance user engagement. Moreover, it's been optimized for SEO, making the app easily discoverable.

Development Process

My main focus was to create a modern UI with engaging animations. I began by building a mobile-first layout, then adapted it for desktop. I spent quite an amount of time choosing colors and assets. I used Framer Motion for animations and the new library Shadcn for some UI components.


This project was built using:

  • React
  • TypeScript
  • Vite
  • Shadcn
  • Framer Motion
  • Tailwind CSS

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